Category: Covid19

Palmistry – The Art Of Future Predictions


Palmistry – The Art Of Future Predictions is considered to have originated in about 3000 B.C. in ancient China. In India, many researchers have found the existence of palm reading practices in various Indian texts, dating to 500 B.C.
Palmistry originated in ancient China and gained popularity over time. And thus it spread to almost every part of the world. In the world of palmistry, certain words considered as historical and modern. Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Hippocrates, Cheiro, etc. are some of the most prominent names in the field of handwriting.
Of these, Cheiro who wrote a few books on handicrafts was named the ‘Father of Handicrafts’.
Palm study has done on the basis of palm research, conducted by palmistry experts, also known as palm students, palmists, craftsmen, handicraftsmen, etc.
TheArt Of Future Predictions
Palmistry: Manifestations Past, Present, and Future Palmistry, as described, involves predicting the basis of human research. Learning the palm of the hand involves studying the various features of the palm tree. It involves noting the reading of palm lines both on the inside and on the outside.

Dr. Madhu Priya – A Palmist Expert – Future Predictor

Dr. Madhu Priya is among the Top 10 world-famous Palmists based on the fact that she is profoundly educated in the Occult Science of Astrology.
She is a skilled Palmistry – The Art Of Future Predictions who always thinks of all these factors before making a conclusion about a person. life.
She Does Palm Reading: Palm Reading Lines Precisely, the lines on the palm can be directly describe as the lifeline, the heart line, the future line, the wedding line, etc.
Palmistry believes that every person in this world has a different hand with unusual palm lines. Therefore, everyone obliged to live different lives, even in the smallest detail.
If we go into detail, everyone has a total of seven mainline, and twelve-second lines.
Every single line in the list of seven main lines in a row represents the health line, the headline, the heart line, the line of the future, the health line, the wedding line, and the Sunshine line or the Apollo line.

Conclusion Of the Palmistry – Lines

As the name implies, each of these lines represents a particular aspect of human life. And thus the study of the palm involves the consideration of each of these lines and vice versa. It helps to determine the effects of certain aspects of life, as well as life as a whole.
The second line list includes the Ring of Jupiter, The Line of Mars, The Ring of Saturn, The Ring of Sun, The Bridle of Venus, The Moon Line, The Line of Influence, The Traveling Line, The Lines of Children, The Rings, The Casual Lines, and Top Post Lines.
On the basis of these lines, the nature of the mountains in the palm of the hand, the texture of the skin, the shape of the fingers, etc. The palmist- DR. Madhu Priya is able to  read the palm of the hand, and accordingly, can draw predictions of the future of man.
TheArt Of Future Predictions


You can book your consultation with DR. Madhu Priya for your prediction.
Call Now: 073070-31998
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